Another embarrassment, this scarf I completed on Dec. 30th as part of my boss's Christmas gift. Yep. Dec. 30th. I finished it from the backseat of a long drive to an antique mall out of state. Pull over please,I have t throw up. Fortunately , not many folks elect to have surgery over the holidays and our unit was at a low census and I had the week of Christmas off, ( I heart my job!),and spent it wildly clicking needles to complete scarves, hats and mittens. Not a good enough excuse for giving your boss their handmade, tardy gift. She seemed thrilled with it and the gift card that accompanied it. She had recently bought a winter white coat and needed a scarf to go with. I think I was able to pull it off, but definitely not the way to fish for a raise.
Pretty yarn, and pretty scarf--what's a few days when you're getting such a great gift!
Glad you've been able to have some time off. Take care!
One of my commuter buddies got a scarf similar to yours from a neighbor...she LOVES it because it isn't HUGE...just wide and long enough.
great stuff
LOL! No, but it is so could she not not love it!
Thanks for the fun comment on my blog today. Darly! Where have you been!?!
Oh, your flickr pics made me smile, if we were shopping together we'd be fighting over the same goodies, our styles are so similiar.
Love your blog, I'll be bookmarking it so I don't miss any of your adventures!
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